Monday, December 28, 2009

It's Complicated

If you haven't been to the movies lately, treat yourself to "It's Complicated". Meryl Streep lets all of us ladies who "ain't what we used to be" know that we are smart, beautiful, sexy and desirable. A laugh out loud type of movie so see with your best girlfriends or your mom...


I've always admired eyebrows -- Brooke Shields and Groucho Marx in particular. My own used to be quite bushy, but then I discovered the satisfaction of shaping them with a tweezer -- frames the face, etc.

One thing about getting older is finding the rogue WHITE hair amongst the forest of black hairs. Don't mind them on my brows, but the first one I find "down there" will set me in a tailspin. Perhaps I should consider a Brazilian...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

2010 Resolutions

In 2010, I resolve to:

Cook more, weigh less.

Save more, spend less.

Learn more, read more, move more. Watch less TV (that's gonna be hard).

Become (somewhat) organized.

Love more, dislike less (I'm not a hater).